Bags in bags in bags
We’re back on our nonsense over here, which is to say that we are traveling. I traveled too much at the beginning of 2023 and spent most of the rest of the year here in Chicago, vibing, processing, integrating. Now we have flights booked and we are preparing. Small changes are being made. There is intention, yes, and structure, but there is also a tiny amount of gear.
I have, in the past, written a lot about the pack load.
Each bag has its own purpose. I mostly stopped drinking both cocktails & coffee, which would have been unthinkable at the outset of text and now feels pretty normal to me. But I still have a coffee bag, hanging out, waiting, with a scale, hand grinder, pour cone, and filters. Might make sense for really long trips, conferences, or times when I expect brutal scheduling. I still drink coffee from time to time, but I’ve become really sensitive to caffeine and have found myself working with other plants, instead.
Two bags stay at home at all times. One contains all of the possible international adapters that one could need. Another contains extras: Soak packets, neti salt, a tenugui for Asian trips.