Front pocket
You wear it on the front, see, under your jacket, like you’re a paranoiac kangaroo. It is as oddly shaped as your body is, and it is thin, so you can really only carry some tiny tools, your phone, a wallet, maybe a passport. This is not a bag for much else, so if you have anything more three-dimensional like e.g. earbuds, a sunglasses, camera, etc., you will need to throw all of that in an ancillary pocket or a sling.
A previous iteration had MOLLE; now, more pocketing. With more pocketing comes more pocketability, which brings more objects, natch. Imagine filling this completely and then throwing a form-fitting jacket on top. The jacket is either large enough to itself have enough pocketing to render the sling irrelevant, or it’s small enough to make the thing look very obvious and probably rather uncomfortable. The external pockets appear to have no way of securing their contents, so flinging it around is a risk. The buckle looks unlike any other, like it must not hold, but clearly it does.
So what is it for? This is not a diss, but deep inquiry. The object is polarizing & opinionated, like the best of them. You live in a climate, carry stuff around, and either this fits what you do or it doesn’t. My sling is 3.5” deep, allowing me to fit some combination of sunglasses, a camera, hand sanitizer, U-locks, etc. There is no way this thing could work for me during the summer, and during the winter I’m wearing a jacket that has enough pocketing to spawn a fractal. The sheer foreignness of this thing is precisely why I’m drawn to it. You turn it over in your hands, wondering what kind of person wants it. You know it sells out. To whom? For what purpose?