Perth text
They’re from Perth, but what else is even in Perth? You hear Perth and think of some sort of mirage. Unlike other Australian cities, Perth is never recommended to you. There is no distinctive culture of Perth that finds its way into your consciousness: no major foodstuff, no museum, no landmark, no thing. It is just Perth, an ontology of Perthness unto itself. Is Perth nice? Surely people like to live there, or we wouldn’t have Perth at all. But, like, is it Anchorage nice or Playa del Carmen nice? Is Perth big? Describe Perth to me, you beg the void, and only silence is returned. You think of that Bon Iver song for a split second before you remember that the rest of that album contains fictional place names. Is Perth real? You’re pretty sure Perth is real. Perth might be the furthest possible major city from Chicago by plane. You search this to confirm. It takes 31 hours to get to Perth through Dubai – and 19 to get to Cape Town through IAD. Okay, so no contest. Perhaps this is why you know nothing about Perth. Are you ignorant? You’re not ignorant. This is Perth’s problem, not yours.